
理学院“格致”讲坛学术报告(2024年第 1期)

作者:  来源:   时间:2024-05-15  点击:

【时  间】:2024年5月16日下午16:00—17:00

【地  点】:3栋201


【报告人简介】:Jichun Li is Professor of Mathematics at University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV). He got his BSNanjing University,PhDFlorida State University. His previous positions include Postdoc Fellow at University of Texas at Austin,Associate Director of Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). Research areas include analysis of finite element methods, high-order compact difference methods, RBF meshless methods,applications of PDEs in various areas. He has published over 150 SCI-indexed papers2 monographs (one in the famous Springer Series in Computational Mathematics, vol.43, Springer, 2013). In 2022, he was ranked #965 (out of total 976) in United States#2261 in the world by Research.com in the 2022 Edition of Ranking of the Top 1000 Scientists in Mathematics. Currently, he serves as Editor-in-Chief of "Results in Applied Mathematics", and Managing Editor of "Computers & Mathematics with Applications" (both published by Elsevier).


【报告摘要】:Maxwell's equations play an important role in analyzingmodeling of wave propagation in electricoptical materials. In this talk, I'll focus on some new variations of time-dependent Maxwell's equations resultingcomplex electromagnetic materials such as metamaterialsgraphene. Mathematical analysisnumerical simulations of these models (such as invisibility cloaks with metamaterials) will be discussed. Some open issues will be mentioned.
